ICM Chop Final Table Not Full

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Tuck Fheman
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ICM Chop Final Table Not Full

Post by Tuck Fheman »

Not sure this is a bug or just an avoidable situation that resolves itself after the hand.

We had a game with 2 tables going, 1 table finishes the hand and the 3 players left were taken to the final table with the ICM Chop at 0/3 and a hand started while the other 3 players from the 2nd table show up to the final table and then ICM Chop changed to 0/6.

I'm just wondering, what would have happened had the original 3 clicked ICM Chop before the changeover to 0/6?
Kent Briggs
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Re: ICM Chop Final Table Not Full

Post by Kent Briggs »

I'll see if I can replicate that. It definitely should not have shown "0/3" when there were 6 players remaining, even for 1 hand.
Kent Briggs
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Re: ICM Chop Final Table Not Full

Post by Kent Briggs »

I can definitely replicate this bug. It's declaring the final table too soon before the other table finishes its hand and brings those players over. And that in turn triggers the ICM Chop option prematurely with the wrong count displayed that could potentially end the tournament before the tables merged. I've already coded the fix but I have some other cleanup work to do before I release the patch so it might be a few days.
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