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Touch Pad clicks stop working with laptops

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 10:48 am
by Robbi1k
We have noticed this a few times playing with different players (thought it was just my laptop).

If using a touchpad the mouse pad clicks stop working and you have to use the touch screen of laptop. If you use a plugged in mouse all is OK.

The touchpad works for a bit and then just randomly stops. Refresh table does not fix it. Full browser refresh fixes issues. \

ASUS and Lenovo laptops have had this issue.

On a bit more testing it appears to stop working after using a combination of touch screen and touchpad. Once you have used touch screen the touchpad stops working.

Any thoughts?

Re: Touch Pad clicks stop working with laptops

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 12:00 pm
by Kent Briggs
No idea. Hardware input devices are controlled by the device driver in the O/S and the browser itself.

Re: Touch Pad clicks stop working with laptops

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 1:21 pm
by Kent Briggs
Also check your browser's error console (Ctrl-Shift-J in Chrome or Firefox) and see if it recorded an error. You can also long-click on the Help menu in the Poker Mavens client to display the internal debugger and see if it recorded an error. Obviously you'll need to plug in your mouse to get to that if the touchpad stopped working.

Re: Touch Pad clicks stop working with laptops

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 7:58 pm
by Robbi1k
A bit more information. Sorry, it is not just the touchpad that fails. The mouse fails as well. Not sure why I hand't noticed. Once you use the touchscreen on the table, the mouse will always stop.

Seems once you use the touchpad anywhere (including lobby and table) the mouse clicks just stop.

Nothing showed in the Poker Mavens window (long press on help to show).

Tried on Chrome and Firefox and same issue. Nothing in Console of either Chrome or Firefox. There are no errors, just looks like the event stops triggering. Tried to mess with debug settings a bit in Firefox, Click event just not triggered and not errors.

Let me know if there is something more I can provide you.

Re: Touch Pad clicks stop working with laptops

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 8:01 pm
by Robbi1k
Sorry I missed the following.

So no clicks work except for focus onto the chat. This still does work. Presume this is just a focus thing rather than an event trigger. Cannot get any other clicks to work.