TournamentsWaiting API endpoint

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TournamentsWaiting API endpoint

Post by richard015ar »

I am not sure if it is a bug actually.
According to the docs:
TournamentsWaiting - retrieves the list of registered players in the waiting list for the tournament specified by the Name parameter (required). A sample response will look something like this (JSON format):

What I get for a manual start tournament is:

Code: Select all

 "Result" => "Ok"
  "Count" => 3
  "Wait" => [
    0 => "player1=No|-1"
    1 => "player2=No|-1"
    2 => "player3=No|-1"
Kent Briggs
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Re: TournamentsWaiting API endpoint

Post by Kent Briggs »

Yeah, there is some extra info that was supposed to be filtered out, starting with the equals sign. I'll fix that in the next update.
Kent Briggs
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Re: TournamentsWaiting API endpoint

Post by Kent Briggs »

Now fixed in 7.13
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