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Question: Payouts in Rebuy-Tournaments

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2024 12:02 pm
by Sevens
Hi Kent, hi all,

I've got a question regarding the payouts in rebuy tournaments.

Given: Tournament with 6 players A,B,C,D,E and F. Buyin 10$ each. Unlimited Rebuys allowed.
With these specs we start with 60$ in our prize pool.
Let us say the first 3 players get payouts (50% = 30$, 30% = 18$, 20% = 12$)

Players E and F drop out in the last places without rebuys. Player D rebuys for another 10$, increasing the prize pool to 70$.

Player D drops out in 4th place. No payout for 4th place.

Player C drops out in 3rd place, getting 20% of now 70$ (= 14$). The remaining prize pool would bei 56$.

Player A and B both rebuy for 10$, increasing the remaining prize pool to 76$. (Or the original prize pool to 90$ ??)

Player B finishes in 2nd place. Will he take 30% of the remaining 76$ (=22,80$), or 30% of 90$ (=27$)?
Would Player C's payout get recalculated to 20% of 90$ (=18$). He would get an additional 4$ after the tournament's end. Is that correct?

Player A could get 50% of the remaining 76$ (=38$) in comparison to 50% of 90$ (=45$).

I don't really get it. Can someone, preferrably Kent, explain, please?
No matter how I count, my payout sum is always less than 90$ if player C doesn't get the extra 4$ after the final hand.

Thanks for taking the time to read and explain.

Re: Question: Payouts in Rebuy-Tournaments

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2024 12:10 pm
by Kent Briggs
The rebuy period ends immediately when the players are in the money (the instant player D is eliminated).

Re: Question: Payouts in Rebuy-Tournaments

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2024 12:20 pm
by Kent Briggs
Kent Briggs wrote: Tue Jan 23, 2024 12:10 pm The rebuy period ends immediately when the players are in the money (the instant player D is eliminated).
Correction: the instant player C got paid is when the rebuy period is terminated.

Re: Question: Payouts in Rebuy-Tournaments

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2024 4:45 am
by Sevens
Thanks for the short explanation. I should RTFM :D

The relevant excerpt from the help page is

Rebuy levels - Set the number of levels (up to 1000) in the rebuy period. Use 0 for a standard freezeout (non-rebuy) tournament. During the rebuy period, players can select the "Add more chips" icon on the table menu bar in the client to request a rebuy any time their chip stack is at or below the Rebuy Threshold amount. Players can double their stack before the first hand is dealt if the threshold is not less than the starting amount. The amount of chips added is the same as the starting chip count, and the amount deducted from their account is sum of the Rebuy Cost and Rebuy Fee settings. If a player loses all of their chips during the rebuy period, they are automatically presented with "Leave" and "Rebuy" buttons to stay in the tournament. The amount of time they have to select Rebuy is equal to a normal turn. Otherwise, they are removed from the tournament. If the rebuy period is still in effect when the first player leaves in a money position, the rebuy period is terminated immediately since the prize pool can no longer be modified at that point. The payout schedule is updated immediately after each rebuy and can be seen in the tournament's Info panel in the player client.