Disconnect = Can't see cards v7

Report bugs found in Poker Mavens
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Tuck Fheman
Posts: 213
Joined: Tue Jul 04, 2017 6:44 am

Disconnect = Can't see cards v7

Post by Tuck Fheman »

I had a player report this, but I told him to refresh table and since he didn't reply back afterwards I assumed it fixed the issue. But today it happened to me and I had no way to see my cards. I refreshed the table, I relogged in during the hand and still the cards would not display after being disconnected.

Once I told the table I couldn't see my cards, the guy who first reported it said that's what he meant and that it's happened every time he's been disconnected.

Kent Briggs
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Re: Disconnect = Can't see cards v7

Post by Kent Briggs »

Yeah this is a known issue that will be fixed in the next update. You should be able to click your own avatar (the actual graphic, not the other parts of the seat frame) to flip them back over. Normally the hand helper text would let you know that but but it also got cleared on the reload.
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