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Please let the READY button be optional

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 1:40 am
by CJPoker
By having a player have to click the READY button when they are already logged in and ready to play just creates a whole new step for them that doesn't seem like it has to be there - or at minimum - let each club owner decide for themselves whether to choose that option or not. I deal with many new players for every tournament and although it is such an easy step I still get plenty of people telling me they see themselves but they can't actually play yet - or they see that they are sitting out.
Almost all the other Poker software options just start once a player is logged in.
Not having to add yet one more step for them during the registration process would be great.

Also - to make the registration process easier- would really be helpful that if we don't have ring games etc - that those tabs do not appear... so that there is only one tab available for people to need to click on once they are logged in....

Thank you for all your attention to everyone's comments!

Re: Please let the READY button be optional

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 9:29 am
by Kent Briggs
The tournament Ready button is what determines if a player is a no-show or not so they can be removed via the "No-show minutes" setting. And it keeps the first hand from lasting 5 minutes because the players that bothered to show up on time don't have to wait for the no-shows to time out their hands before getting placed in sitout mode.