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Hide tournaments prior start

Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 4:36 pm
by ReddcoinPoker
Did I not find the feature or is there no option to hide tournaments that are starting on a monthly or weekly base? I would prefer to show only special tournaments permanently, and others with a predefined time. Sorry, I am not a native speaker i try to explain.

For example,

Tournament A starts at 6 am everyday. I want it to show up 2 hours prior start in the lobby. It is a daily tournament, but it shouldnt be listed in lobby all day since the lobby gets messed up when you have lots of tourneys and players loose overview.

Is that possible?

Re: Hide tournaments prior start

Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 5:36 pm
by Kent Briggs
You can use the "Registration period" setting to prevent players from registering before a certain time but the only way to hide a tournament is to take it offline (which you can automate with the API and your own code).