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Poker Mavens 4.03 Released

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 2:00 pm
by Kent Briggs
Upgrade page:


Renamed "Max connections" to "Max sessions" in server settings to better reflect its actual function. A session is a connection that has been assigned a Session ID and has established a packet exchange between the client and server prior to login. Everyone's value will get reset to the new default value of 500 so you may want to edit that after upgrading.

Added four new server settings that limit raw connections to the file and packet ports:

Max FP connections - This is the maximum number of raw connections allowed on the File Port at any given time. A value of 0 represents no fixed limit. This setting is meant to be used as a defense against a primitive denial-of-service attack that simply tries to overwhelm your site with too many connections. Each connection creates a new thread that requires system memory so too many connections could bring an out-of-memory condition that prevents the poker server from functioning properly. This limit is handled silently by the socket component so rejected connections are not reported in the Event Log.

Max FP connections per IP - This is the maximum number of raw connections per IP address allowed on the File Port at any given time. A value of 0 represents no fixed limit. This setting is similar to the "Max FP connections" setting above except it applies to individual IPs connecting to your site instead of a total limit. When setting a non-zero value, keep in mind that most browsers will initially make 6 connections to your file port to retrieve the client HTML and assorted media elements. So a value of 1 to 5 is not recommended. Connections rejected by this setting are reported in the Event Log at 1 minute intervals.

Max PP connections - This is the maximum number of raw connections allowed on the Packet Port at any given time. A value of 0 represents no fixed limit. This setting is similar to the "Max FP connections" setting except it applies to the packet port, where the websocket connection is established between the client and server. Unlike the file port, the browser will only make 1 connection to the packet port. This value also differs from the "Max sessions" setting as it will completely block any connection attempts over the limit without any return message to the user. This limit is handled silently by the socket component so rejected connections are not reported in the Event Log.

Max PP connections per IP - This is the maximum number of raw connections per IP address allowed on the Packet Port at any given time. A value of 0 represents no fixed limit. This setting is similar to the "Max PP connections" setting above except it applies to individual IPs connecting to your site instead of a total limit. Connections rejected by this setting are reported in the Event Log at 1 minute intervals.

Source parameter in the "Balance" callback event now indicates the name of sender/recipient for chip transfers. Previously it would just indicate "Transfer". Now it will show either "Transfer from x" or "Transfer to x" in the Source parameter.

Table description field now wraps correctly in client in the General Info dialog. Previously long descriptions would disappear off the right edge.

Fixed connection sweep bugs. Previously this would sometimes trigger an access violation when stopping your server because an object was getting double freed.