Possible? (player rank)

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Possible? (player rank)

Post by Alex »

Is there an easy way to show, on the website, the users rank using php.

like you are 50/1000 players for example...

just curious because many users want to see where they stand against other users?
Kent Briggs
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Re: Possible? (player rank)

Post by Kent Briggs »

Try something like this. I just took the chip leaders code I made previously and only showed the selected player.

Code: Select all


  if (isset($_REQUEST["Search"]))   // page load via search button

    include "API.php";  // API $url and $pw values set here

    $player = $_REQUEST["Player"];        
    if ($player == "")
      echo "No player name entered. Click the back button.";

    // Fetch the list of players using the AccountsList API command.

    $params = "Password=" . $pw . "&Command=AccountsList&Fields=Player,Balance";
    $api = Poker_API($url,$params,true);
    $result = $api["Result"];
    if ($result == "Error") die("Error: " . $api["Error"]);

    // Iterate through the players in the response and create an associative
    // chips array keyed on player name.

    $accounts = $api["Accounts"];
    $chips = Array();
    $found = false;
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $accounts; $i++)
      $p = $api["Player" . $i];
      if (strcasecmp($player,$p)==0) $found = true;
      $chips[$p] = $api["Balance" . $i];

    if ($found == false)
      echo "Player " . $player . " not found. Click the back button.";

    // Sort array in decending order.


    // loop through array looking for player

    $rank = 0;
    foreach ($chips as $p => $c)
      if (strcasecmp($player,$p)==0)
        echo $p . " rank is " . $rank . " of " . $accounts . " with " . $c . " chips";

  <!-- display input form on first load  -->
  <!-- post results back to same page -->

  <h3>Player Rank</h3>
  <form method="post">
    Screen name:<br/>
    <input type="text" name="Player" />
    <input type="submit" name="Search" value="Search" />

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